Setting up symlinks and permissions

These files get the proper permissions and the necessary symlinks are created by running the following commands. If a user did not create the loadkeys and setclock scripts, he has to make sure not to type them in the commands below.

cd /etc/init.d &&
chmod 754 rc rcS functions checkfs halt loadkeys mountfs reboot &&
chmod 754 sendsignals setclock sysklogd template &&
cd ../rc0.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd K900sysklogd &&
ln -s ../init.d/sendsignals S800sendsignals &&
ln -s ../init.d/mountfs S900mountfs &&
ln -s ../init.d/halt S999halt &&
cd ../rc6.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd K900sysklogd &&
ln -s ../init.d/sendsignals S800sendsignals &&
ln -s ../init.d/mountfs S900mountfs &&
ln -s ../init.d/reboot S999reboot &&
cd ../rcS.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/checkfs S200checkfs &&
ln -s ../init.d/mountfs S300mountfs &&
ln -s ../init.d/setclock S400setclock &&
ln -s ../init.d/loadkeys S500loadkeys &&
cd ../rc1.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd K900sysklogd &&
cd ../rc2.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd S100sysklogd &&
cd ../rc3.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd S100sysklogd &&
cd ../rc4.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd S100sysklogd &&
cd ../rc5.d &&
ln -s ../init.d/sysklogd S100sysklogd